A Mindful way of living

Work with Danielle

  • 1:1 Coaching

    The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

  • Meet Dr. Z

    Danielle and Dr. Z have curated the perfect balance to help you connect the dots.

  • Partners

    Begin your wellness journey and meet the partners. We only work with the best!

Improving your relationship with YOURSELF

Starting a diet is easy, sticking to it all the way through — that’s the hard part. When you’re on a diet, it’s easy to lose motivation and stop feeling committed. And it’s too easy to quit with the promise of starting over later.

With a coach by your side, every day, you’ll feel more committed and motivated to keep going. We will reach your goals, and we’ll do it together.

With daily accountability you are capable of achieving far more than you think you are.

The secret to my weightloss coaching is in building personal relationships. Because to me and Dr. Zhukovski, coaching isn’t just a business. It’s our life. And we care about you reaching your goals as much as you do in the healthiest and using the most safest method.

Once you join, I’ll send you a questionnaire. I want to know what your goals are, what you’ve tried before, what’s worked…what hasn’t. I want to hear all about you and the challenges you think we’ll run into. With your answers, I’ll take time to get to know you and your goals and pair you with Dr. Zhukovski to review and access your medical history.

You and  I will set up a time to talk and build a game plan you feel totally comfortable with. Because trying to stick to a diet or exercise plan that doesn’t match the realities of your life or is too strict, just won’t work. As your coach and Dr. will put together a plan tailored to meet you where you are, and set you up for success right from the start.

Try something new